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Papyrus—Spring 2013

Letter from the Editor     

Greetings from Los Angeles!

In this issue of Papyrus, you will find up-to-date plans for the 23rd Annual IAMFA Conference in Washington, D.C. The conference team has been very busy planning another wonderful conference for IAMFA’s members, and information is rapidly becoming available with articles, pictures, venues, and many details about what you will experience this October in Washington. Please see the centerfold in this issue for a schedule for both the Delegate and Guest programs, planned for a record sixteen venues we’ll visit during the conference.

Don’t forget to visit IAMFA’s website for the latest available information, and start making your plans soon to attend. You will find information on how to reserve your room from the hotel block, as well as the amenities included such as high-speed internet access in your room, swimming pool, 24-hour access to fitness center, and more. The Gaylord National Resort will be a stunning home base during the conference. 

If you haven’t visited the Members Only page on the website recently, please do so; IAMFA news changes regularly. If you have something that you would like to share with your fellow IAMFA members, please send it to me, and we will put it up on the Members Only page.

In this Spring 2013 issue of Papyrus, you will find a Best Practices Feature article about the National Library of Scotland’s success in changing environmental settings. If you attend the 2014 IAMFA Conference in Scotland, you’ll have a chance to see the Library in person. Please read about the creative things that Jack Plumb and his team have done to cut energy consumption and reduce the carbon footprint at the National Library of Scotland. 

In this issue you will also read about the review of environmental settings at the National Library of Australia. The topic of examining temperature and RH settings at cultural institutions is gaining momentum rapidly, and we’re hearing more and more about efforts around the globe that could have a significant impact on the carbon footprint at our cultural institutions, reduce operating costs, and help the many facility managers pressured in recent years by budget cuts.

Another feature of this edition is a collaborative article from members of IAMFA’s LinkedIn Group. This article is based on posts related to using Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT) flooring in collection storage areas. Thanks to Sarah Ghorbanian, William Lull, Cecily Grzywacz, and Barbara Appelbaum for their comments on the impacts of using VCT in collection storage areas.

IAMFA’s LinkedIn Group has grown by a hundred members since the last issue of Papyrus, and membership now stands at 550 members from 44 countries. The LinkedIn Group serves two primary purposes: to provide a simple way for IAMFA’s members (and others with the same interests) to routinely communicate with one another, and to promote the benefits of becoming an IAMFA member. 

You also won’t want to miss the piece on wireless data technology and environmental planning at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History (CMNH) in Pittsburgh. In 2011, CMNH began conducting an environmental survey of museum facilities. The aim of this survey is to assess the overall conditions of the museum spaces, the effectiveness of the existing climate control equipment, and the effect of outdoor conditions on interior environment. The survey monitors temperature and relative humidity in all collections storage and exhibit spaces, adjacent building areas (e.g., attics), and outdoors. The data will be used to identify areas of risk and provide the groundwork in planning future mechanical and facility improvements.

Stacey Wittig’s article outlines changes planned for the 2013 Benchmarking Exercise. This annual exercise has been hugely successful, due in part to the guidance of the Benchmarking Steering Committee, which meets monthly by teleconference. The Committee continually focuses on how the benchmarking exercise can evolve to provide maximum benefits to the participants.

In this issue of Papyrus, there are articles about the educational and guest programs planned for the Washington, D.C. conference, including an optional pre-conference day of activities for those not attending the benchmarking workshop, and a post-conference day with visits to three local IAMFA institutions. You will also find an article by one of this year’s conference sponsors, Mueller Associates, about work they performed at the Folger Shakespeare Library, which is one of the venues you will visit during this year’s annual conference. This beautiful, historic building is home to the world’s largest collection of Shakespeare’s works, including 82  “First Folios”—the first printings of the English poet and playwright’s collected works.  Mueller Associates is a Baltimore-based mechanical/electrical engineering firm that specializes in museums and cultural facilities. In this article, you’ll find a review of the steps taken to increase the Preservation Index at the Folger Shakespeare Library. 

We are so grateful for our sponsors’ support of IAMFA. They make it possible each year to plan an amazing annual conference. Please attend this year’s conference and learn how much our sponsors do to advise and educate IAMFA’s members. I hope you enjoy this issue; thank you to everyone who contributed this issue’s content, and to our advertisers whose generous support helps offset the cost of publishing Papyrus.

Joe May
Editor, Papyrus


Message from the President

Greetings All!

This message comes to you courtesy of a long flight to Paris (for vacation), typing away on my iPad. So this message might be shorter than most!

The Washington, D.C. Conference Committee has been hard at work crafting the delegate, guest and evening programs that you will read about in this issue of Papyrus. The new website, www.NewIAMFA.ORG  has a list of all 16 venues included in the delegate and guest programs, and a draft schedule for both. 

We hope that those of you not participating in the Benchmarking session will join us on Sunday, October 20, for an optional extra day of activities. For a mere $75, we will embark on a delightful tour of Arlington National Cemetery, dine at the Chart House for lunch, and take in the quaint shops down King Street in Alexandria, Virginia. We’ve also developed a post-conference tour for Thursday, October 24—again, just $75—which you can read about in this issue. When you register for the conference, you must also add these optional extra days to your shopping bag if you wish to attend. Activities for both optional extra days are shown in the draft conference schedule on the website.  

The conference schedule features pictures of the marvelous Gaylord National Resort hotel, that will be our base during the conference, and gives details on how to make reservations, as well as all the amenities included with your room. Please remember to register for the conference early, so that you do not miss the early registration discount (prices increase in August).

You can register for the conference on the website’s new Online Payment page. This new payment gateway was a real challenge to set up, but now everyone can renew their IAMFA membership each year, or register for the conference, without having to use a PayPal account. Many thanks to Alan Dirican for getting the new Online Payment system set up. I can’t wait to see everyone in October!

I’d also like to take a moment to thank the IAMFA Subscriber Members that have graciously offered to sponsor this year’s Washington, D.C. Conference. It would not be possible to hold a conference like the one we are planning without their support. If you are an IAMFA Subscriber Member, or you know someone that may be interested in helping sponsor this year’s conference, please let us know, so that we can send a sponsorship package outlining the sponsorship opportunities and what sponsors receive in return for their support.

Have you visited the Members Only page recently? If not, be sure to check out the website periodically for the latest news from IAMFA. If you have difficulty logging in, send Randy Murphy or Joe May a message, and they will assist you. The Members Only page has details about the Board positions up for election this year. Let us know if you would like to volunteer to serve on the Board. You will find job descriptions for each Board position, as well as details about how the nominating committee selects a slate of officers for ratification.

There are a few changes to IAMFA leaders at the Chapter level. Please join me in welcoming Jennifer Fragomeni, who is taking over as the Chair of the Northern California/Nevada IAMFA Member Region. Jennifer follows Joe Brennan who has led this very active group of IAMFA Members since our Member Regions were formed many years ago. We also welcome Cliff Heywood, who is taking over as Secretary of the New Zealand Member Region, following Pat Morgan’s retirement from the Auckland Art Gallery. Finally, please welcome Shaun Woodhouse, who became Chair of our Member Region in Australia back in December. We wish him the best in keeping in touch with members over such a large geographical area. Thank you, Jennifer, Cliff and Shaun for stepping up, and to all of our Member Region Chairs for the work you do in keeping our members together and informed!

In the last issue of Papyrus, I discussed two new committees created by the Board—Membership and Sponsorship—and we recently added Strategic Planning to the growing list of committees! The Benchmarking Committee continues to function remarkably well, and the results speak for themselves; the Benchmarking exercise continues enjoy near-record levels of member participation. 

It is time now to begin looking at ways of reaching out to others around the world who would benefit from membetrship in IAMFA. If you have ideas on how to increase membership and bring our organization to others around the world, we’d love to hear from you! Everyone has worked steadily over the past several years to refine IAMFA’s offerings. If you are interested in participating in one of IAMFA’s four committees: Benchmarking, Membership, Sponsorship or Strategic Planning, send me an email, or use the Contact Us page on the website. You will hear more about what these four committees have been doing at the Annual General Meeting in October.  

As you might expect, planning is well underway for the 2014 conference in Scotland.  Jack and his team are doing a fabulous job, and we can’t wait to see what he has planned for next year’s conference. I’m happy to announce that Bill Caddick from the Art Institute of Chicago recently reported that they have already begun with preliminary plans for the 2015 IAMFA Conference in Chicago. WOW—three conference-planning committees hard at work . . . this is exciting!

Best to all of you! I wish you a very happy Spring and look forward to seeing everyone in the Fall!

Nancy Bechtol

President, IAMFA


Seasonally Adjusted Setpoints—A Route to Reduced Energy Consumption Within a Library Environment

By Jack Plumb

I have deliberately used this title for this article, as it will be based as much on the research work carried out by Kostas Ntanos, Head of Conservation Research at the National Archives, as our own experimentation at the National Library of Scotland.

I remember that, when I first arrived at the National Library of Scotland in 1995, one of the first issues we had to deal with was the very low humidity levels being recorded in the collection spaces. The reason wasn’t very difficult to find, as the humidifier supplying the air-handling unit (AHU) for the collection spaces was lying in pieces. We soon managed to fix the humidifier and got it working; however, what surprised me most was that, once the humidifier started to produce steam, it didn’t stop for almost three months before it started to throttle back and operate within a normal control regime. The first lesson learnt was that the rate of change within the collection space is very slow, so once a desired environmental level is achieved, the rate of change away from that desired level is also very slow.

The next significant moment in my journey to a seasonable variable environmental envelope occurred when I was sitting through a presentation of the new (well it was then) BS 5454:2000 standard. What struck me then was that, if we could select a fixed temperature or humidity setpoint, albeit within a relatively narrow band, we should also be able to allow the environmental envelope to drift between the upper and lower limits without harming the collection—bearing in mind that we know that the collection itself changes very slowly.

What made our situation more difficult was the inability of the existing plant to provide any de-humidification. This meant that, during the late summer months when the ambient humidity levels are at their highest, we would inevitably go out of conformity, as we had no means of reducing the relative humidity levels without changing the temperature levels beyond their conformance levels.

Obviously I was not the only person thinking this way. There was much work being carried out by academics, who were researching the deterioration of paper, related to the introduction of the concept of “permanence”, through to the work of Donald Sebera. Donald Sebera had developed a graphical representation of the relationship of environmental conditions to the permanence of hydroscopic materials and composites, resulting in the introduction of an “Isoperm”.

The Isoperm is a tool which quantifies the effect of environmental factors, temperature and relative humidity upon the anticipated useful life expectancy of paper-based collections. The Isoperm method combines and quantifies the preservation effects of the two environmental factors temperature and relative humidity, and presents the results in a readily comprehensible and usable graphical form.

An Isoperm is the relative deterioration of paper, rather than an absolute rate of deterioration. If we examine the graph below, we can see that at 68ºF (20ºC)/50% RH we get an Isoperm value of 1.0. If we then reduce the temperature to 60ºF (15.6ºC)/50%RH, we get an Isoperm value of approximately 3.5, which means that the material stored at the reduced temperature would last 3.5 times longer; i.e., the relative permanence is mathematically the inverse of the deterioration rate ratio.

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Armed with this very basic understanding of the Isoperm, we can see from the work of Kostas Ntanos, Head of Conservation Research and Development at the National Archives, that they have used the principle of the Isoperm to demonstrate that, whilst they have significantly increased the environmental envelope within their archive, they have also increased the permanence of their collection.

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At the National Library of Scotland we have agreed with our Preservation colleagues to control the environmental envelope within the collection spaces within the following ranges:

Temperature    15ºC (59ºF) to 20ºC (68ºF)

Relative Humidity      40–60%

This is the environmental envelope within which the collection spaces are now controlled. The problem with dehumidification still exists with the plant; however, we are also very aware that dehumidification is a very expensive operation, so should be avoided if at all possible. The reason why dehumidification is so expensive is that the humid air has to be reduced to a temperature below the dewpoint—usually less than 10ºC—so chilled water has to be produced at a temperature even colder, usually around 4ºC. Then, once the air has been dehumidified, it has to be heated up to a suitable delivery temperature—usually around 15ºC (59ºF)—for the collection spaces.

Typical ambient conditions in Edinburgh involve low temperatures and humidity levels during the winter months and, only slightly—or so it seems—warmer temperatures and higher humidity levels during the summer months. Therefore, the control regime adopted within the Library collection spaces is to aim for 15ºC (59ºF)/40% RH during the winter months, and let the humidity drift upwards towards the 60% limit during the later summer months. The following two graphs, reprinted here with the kind permission of the National Archives, show that implementing variable setpoints through the year requires a reduced amount of energy to maintain a level of conformity.

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The area beneath the straight line, representing constant setpoints with very limited flexibility and external ambient conditions, this highlights the amount of energy required for the mechanical plant to maintain conformity within the collection spaces.

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We can now see that, with a variable setpoint, the area between the setpoint and external ambient conditions is significantly reduced, meaning that the energy consumption is also significantly reduced.

So we have now increased the environmental envelope within which we store our archival collections, and we have also introduced variable setpoints. Does this mean we can all put our feet up, give ourselves a pat on the back ,and enjoy a well-earned cup of tea? For Paul Davies, Head of Estates and Facilities at the National Archives, and your humble author, this was anything but the case. We were both striving for even more energy reductions with an ambitious programme of plant replacement. I think that what both Paul and I have found is that, if you can demonstrate reduced energy consumption and carbon emissions, our funders are much more likely to listen when we say that by investing in this particular plant replacement we can achieve even more energy reductions. This is exactly what has happened at both the National Archives and the National Library of Scotland. At the National Archives, Paul has introduced a CHP (combined heat and power) plant, seen below.

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Caption: Combined heat and power plant at the National Archives.

He has also introduced the latest in chiller technology: the turbomiser chiller, which has a compressor rotor held in a magnetic field. This means almost infinitely variable refrigeration output and an oil-free refrigeration cycle.

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Caption: Turbomiser chillers at the National Archives.

At the National Library of Scotland, we have also installed the same chiller technology, albeit the smaller brothers of the units installed at the National Archives. If they look similar, that is because they were both supplied by the same manufacturer. This is yet another example of the close working relationship between IAMFA members, and how they can help each other. I was certainly impressed by the chiller installation at the National Archives during my visit there in 2010. Because of the colder ambient temperatures north of the border, we also introduced a further energy-saving design by introducing a free cooling cycle.

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Caption: Turbomiser chillers at the National Library of Scotland. 

The free cooling cycle, just like free lunches, does not really exist, and what we mean by free cooling is that we produce chilled water sufficient to meet all our cooling needs, without the use of the chillers. During the winter months, we have found that any ambient temperature below 8ºC is cool enough to provide sufficient chilled water, which can be generated by running the air-blast coolers, and circulating the condenser water through a heat exchanger coupled to the chilled water circuit.

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Caption:  Free-cooling heat exchanger at the National Library of Scotland.  

Both the chillers and the heat exchanger pictured above are linked to a common low-loss header, which supplies the chilled-water circuit via variable-speed high-efficiency pumps.

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Caption: Low-loss header and variable-speed pumps at the National Library of Scotland.

As a further energy-saving measure, we have also turned all the conventional three-port valves on the numerous chilled-water batteries installed in the AHUs into two-port valves, by closing the bypass leg. By using a pressure transducer on the chilled-water pumps, their speed is varied as the valves close, increasing the pressure, thereby reducing the pump speed.

We have also introduced an additional step, whereby the chilled-water pumps will only start if at least one chilled-water valve is open by more than 10%—if it is anything less, we consider it closed. This then shuts down all of the chilled-water producing plant; i.e., chillers, condenser pumps, chilled-water pumps and air-blast coolers.

So much for the talk, but what about the results? Well, Paul is rightly very proud of his results at the National Archives:

·         £175K of energy savings in 2011–2012 as compared to 2010–2011

·         14% reduction in CO2 emissions in 2011–2012 as compared to 2010–2011

·         27.3% reduction in CO2 emissions against 2009–2010 baseline (target of 25% by 2015 now met)

·         The Display Energy Certificates—well, they tell their own story: a reduction from 168kWhr/m² in 2009 down to 49kWhr/m²

At the National Library of Scotland, we have also achieved significant energy savings across the whole estate, all based on figures for the financial year 2008–2009 (the base year for our Carbon Management Plan), up to and including 2011–2012:

·         26% reduction in CO2 emissions (target 30% reduction by 2014–2015)

·         £196K savings in the cost of electricity and gas

·         23% reduction in electricity consumption

·         30% reduction in gas consumption

So, with an increased environmental envelope with which to maintain our collections and significant plant replacement, is there much else we can do to reduce our energy consumption still further?

One trick that is being used more and more is to simply turn all the plant off and see what happens. The Library has carried out experimentation by turning the plant off for a week at a time, and recording the results. Whilst the temperature did go a little over specification, not a lot else happened. I should add that, during our experiment, one of our collection teams decided to carry out out an audit of the collection. This meant that a number of lights—the main source of heating in the collection spaces—were on for longer than we would consider normal.

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Caption: CB Level 2 Phase I Data Logger No 2

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Caption: CB Level 2 Phase II Data Logger No 4

As a compromise, at the National Library of Scotland we have now made an alteration to the control regime for each AHU that supplies the collection space. If we recall, the agreed control envelope at the National Library is 15ºC (59ºF) to 20ºC (68ºF) and 40% to 60% RH, so when the actual environmental envelope rests somewhere between 16ºC (61ºF) to 19ºc (66ºF) and 42.5% to 58.5% RH for one hour, we shut the unit down. This has a beneficial knock-on effect, in that it also limits the production and circulation of chilled water, which increases the savings generated by this software modification. I should add that the control environmental envelope that shuts the plant down does need careful monitoring to ensure it is not set too keen and allows the environmental envelope within the collection space to go out of conformity. This means that the control parameters do differ slightly from one AHU to another.

So what have we learned? I hope I have shown that increasing the controlled environmental envelope does not necessarily decrease the life of the collection, and considerable energy savings can be made. However, increasing the controlled environmental envelope is not the only change we have to make. Careful and intelligent plant replacement, and perhaps even more importantly, very careful control of that new plant takes advantage of the new technology that is now available. Finally, the most difficult part of all is having someone sufficiently skilled and knowledgable to monitor and fine-tune the various control regimes to ensure that conformity is maintained at an acceptable level, while continuing to deliver reduced energy consumption. At the National Library of Scotland we are very lucky to have such an individual

Jack Plumb is Facilities Manager at the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh, Scotland, and serves on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Museum Facility Administrators. Mr. Plumb is host of IAMFA’s 2014 Annual Conference in Scotland.


Benchmarking: What’s New for 2013?

By Stacey Wittig

New benchmarking participant Ernst Pierre-Toussaint, Director of Facility Planning & Operations at the Field Museum in Chicago, has 35% of his data entry complete. A progress bar on the new Facility Issues website shows each participant’s rate of completion. “The new tool helps participants know where they’re at, and encourages them with a sense of accomplishment,” says benchmarking consultant Keith McClanahan. “It also helps me follow up with those who may be a bit behind in their data entry.”

Upgraded website with data entry enhancements

Development of the new website was based on years of feedback from IAMFA participants and other facility benchmarking groups serviced by Facility Issues, the benchmarking firm that McClanahan heads. “We’ve had many compliments on the clean look of the new data submittal interface and its ease of use,” McClanahan adds.

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Caption:  The New Data Submission Interface

“It is not difficult,” says Pierre-Toussaint about his first year entering benchmarking data. “The questions asked bring things to my attention. We have over a million square feet, and the survey pushes me to be as accurate as possible,” he adds, admitting that, by quantifying detailed information, he is learning more. “For example, the motion-sensor questions prompted me to find out if 50% or more of the space categories were equipped with motion detectors or not.”

“I have printed out the survey and work on a portion at a time,” says Pierre-Toussaint. “When I have a chance, I start working on a section. I have identified information that I need from other managers. Tony McGuire [of McGuire Engineers] has been telling me about this for years, and I finally made the commitment to do it. I’m not going to stop now,” he laughs.

Other data-entry enhancements include green checkmarks to indicate data preloaded from the previous year. In addition, once data is input, the website automatically updates and places a checkmark next to the field. With no need to click a button to save data, there is no accidental loss of work.

Furthermore, definitions are linked to survey questions with a small blue icon. If the person submitting the data has a question, they can click on the icon to reveal the proper definition.

Enhanced Definitions

The IAMFA Benchmarking Steering Committee worked diligently last year to review the definitions and when needed, to clarify them. The definitions will be easier to locate this year as they are linked to the appropriate question with the small icon. The 2013 steering committee is made up of Brent Adams, Library of Congress; Joe Brennan, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; David Conine, Folger Shakespeare Library; Patrick Dixon, British Library; Oren Gray, J. Paul Getty Trust; Patrick Jones, Art Institute of Chicago; Kendra Gastright, Smithsonian Institution; Guy Larocque, Canadian Museum of Civilization; Keith McClanahan, Facility Issues; James Moisson, Harvard Art Museums; Randy Murphy, L.A. County Museum of Art; Jack Plumb, National Library of Scotland; Rich Reinert, Philadelphia Museum of Art; David Sanders, Retired, Natural History Museum; Greg Simmons, Architect of the Capitol; Stacey Wittig, Facility Issues; and Tony Young, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh.

A webinar on June 27, 2013 will demonstrate the enhancements and help get you started with the new website. The full benchmarking schedule can be found at

New Energy Survey

The new IAMFA Energy Survey measures results from the same questions found in the energy section of the classic IAMFA Benchmarking Survey. The essential difference between the two surveys is that the IAMFA Energy Survey does not collect cleaning, maintenance, landscaping or security data.

Latest Topics for Review

Environmental conditions were under scrutiny in the last survey. This year we are collecting the same detailed data for temperature and humidity setpoint variances in different space areas. Information on fire-suppression failure, composting and recycling credits are also recent additions to the survey.

Current hot topics will be discussed at the IAMFA benchmarking workshop on October 20, 2013, prior to the official start of the annual conference. If you’d like a full description of the workshop, read the article “Benchmarking Workshop: What Happens Behind Those Closed Doors?” in the last issue of Papyrus. We expect the upcoming workshop to fill up, since the last one held in Washington, D.C. was our best-attended workshop to date.

The Practices and Learning Workshop is included in the benchmarking fee, while non-participants may pay $250 to observe the lively discussions, sharing forums and peer presentations. The benchmarking fee is $1549 US with a special, introductory rate of $999 US for those who have never participated. The Energy Survey includes the workshop for $499 US. Enroll now for the 2013 IAMFA benchmarking exercise at Registration ends on May 15. Or sign up to be an observer at!/~/category/id=3272739&offset=0&sort=normal

McGuire Engineers, Steensen Varming and Conrad Engineers sponsor the IAMFA benchmarking exercise.

Stacey Wittig is Marketing Director at Facility Issues. She welcomes your questions about IAMFA benchmarking participation or sponsorship. Contact her at 001-928-225-4943 or [email protected].


The 23rd Annual IAMFA Conference: Incredible Educational Sessions

By Lisa LaHiff and Kendra Gastright

Each year, the IAMFA conference provides attendees with outstanding networking opportunities and top-notch educational programs, and this year is no exception. The 23rd Annual IAMFA Conference in Washington, D.C. promises to provide you with innovative facilities sessions and best practices that can be immediately applied at your cultural institution. You will walk away with knowledge that will position your organization for long-term success.

The conference officially begins on Monday at the Folger Shakespeare Library, with a presentation on window upgrades and the prevention of moisture intrusion.

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Caption:  The Folger Shakespeare Library.

Monday afternoon will be a treat for us all. This year’s conference committee has decided to offer multiple educational opportunities at the Library of Congress, ensuring a broad range of topics for conference delegates. You will have an opportunity to choose between some concurrent topics: Session 1 offers you an opportunity to learn more about Collections Preservation Storage or Campus-Wide Safety Upgrades from our colleagues at the Library of Congress. Session 2 will focus on either an LED Case Study at Trafalgar Square presented by Chris Tiernan or the Energy Reduction Program for the House Office Buildings presented by the Library of Congress.

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Caption:  The Library of Congress’ Madison Building.

On Tuesday morning, participants will convene at the National Zoological Park for more presentation sessions. Starting the day is a presentation by Chris Arkins and Emrah Baki Ulas from Steensen Varming on Climate-Responsive Building Envelopes. During their presentation, they will discuss the challenge of conservation with respect to temperature and humidity and lighting exposure, in relation to external climates, building envelopes and internal control strategies. After lunch, members will be treated to a panel discussion provided by a team of collections and facilities experts on the Shifts in Environmental-Parameters Requirements. This exciting forum involves a discussion on the preservation environment and the unique relationship between collections and facilities staff.       

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Caption:  Giant panda at the National Zoological Park.

Finally, we close Day 2 with a special presentation on Organic Grounds Management, presented by Paul Tukey from Glenstone in Potomac, Maryland. Paul is the author of The Organic Lawn Care Manual, and is the principal of an international consulting firm that assists businesses and municipalities in the natural maintenance of their landscapes.

On Wednesday afternoon, members will participate in two presentations at the National Museum of American History. The first will be a brief wrap-up on the Benchmarking exercise from Keith McClanahan. The final presentation for Wednesday will be a panel discussion on the Hypoxic Fire Protection System at the National Museum of American History.

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Caption:  The National Museum of American History.

Whether you want to know more about collections preservation, organic landscape maintenance, or the prevention of moisture intrusion, the educational program at the 23rd Annual IAMFA Conference is sure to provide you with valuable insights and takeaways. The concentration of so much expertise in one place is one of the tremendous benefits of the IAMFA conference, and the IAMFA conference program committee is working hard  to make the educational programs relevant to you and your organization. 

We look forward to seeing you in October!

Lisa LaHiff is Special Assistant to the Director of the Office of Facilities Management and Reliability at the Smithsonian Institution.

Kendra Gastright is the Director of the Office of Facilities Management and Reliability at the Smithsonian Institution.


An Unforgettable Guest Program

By Judie Cooper and Dan Davies

One of the reasons for the long-standing success of our IAMFA conferences is the attention paid to the Guest Program. Plans for this year’s Guest Program are firming up, with wonderful offerings for our guests each day. 

While delegates are attending the Benchmarking Workshop on Sunday, guests will have some time on their own or with their fellow IAMFA travelers to relax, get acquainted, or just catch up with one another. We will also be offering the option, for a modest fee, of a Sunday program that will include a shuttle to Arlington National Cemetery and lunch at the Chart House in Alexandria, Virginia, followed by an opportunity to shop in Old Town Alexandria, then cross the Potomac River by water taxi to return to the Gaylord Resort. After a refreshing day, everyone will gather Sunday evening for the Welcome Reception.

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  Arlington National Cemetery.

On Monday, guests will enjoy a tour of the Folger Shakespeare Library, home to the world’s largest Shakespeare collection. In addition to being a major international center for scholarly research and a lively venue for exhibitions, literary programs, and the performing arts, the Folger Library offers educational programs that have transformed the way Shakespeare is taught in American schools. 

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Caption: The Folger Shakespeare Library.

After experiencing the wonderful Folger Library, we will be off to tour the Capitol Visitor Center. The U.S. Capitol Visitor Center is the newest addition to the historic complex, and is located underground on the east side of the Capitol so as not to detract from the appearance of the Capitol and the grounds designed by Frederick Law Olmsted in 1874.

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Caption:  The Capitol Visitor Center.

On Monday afternoon after lunch with the delegates, guests will tour the Library of Congress' Madison Building. The Madison Building serves both as the Library's third major structure, and as this nation's official memorial to James Madison, the “father” of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the fourth president of the United States.

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Caption:  The Library of Congress’ Madison Building.

The next stop Monday afternoon will be a tour of the United States Botanic Garden: a living plant museum accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. The three public components of the United States Botanic Garden are the conservatory houses, the National Garden and Bartholdi Park. Each of these offers unique plants, temporary exhibitions and breathtaking landscapes and gardens; guests are sure to be inspired by the beauty and scope of these iconic gardens.

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Caption:  United States Botanic Garden.

On Monday night, delegates and guests will rendezvous at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, where we will enjoy a wonderful dinner, followed by an encore of the incredibly popular Washington Memorial bus tour, including well-known sites along with fresh experiences, including the new Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial.

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Caption:  The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.

On Tuesday, guests will enjoy some incredible new exhibits at the National Zoological Park, such as the Elephant Community Center and the American Trail. The American Trail provides a new home for seals, sea lions, and brown pelicans in an enriching environment that explores the delicate balance between human actions and the health of our coastlines. Modeled on the central California coast, there are wave machines to keep the water moving, and underwater features in the sea lion pool provide interesting places for the animals to explore. The exhibit and the facilities were constructed using sustainable practices, in the spirit of the exhibition's conservation messages.

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Caption: The American Trail at the National Zoological Park.

Tuesday afternoon will find guests at the National Gallery of Art. Andrew Mellon donated paintings and works of sculpture as the nucleus of the collections now housed at this breathtaking art gallery. Not only is the gallery one of the most treasured buildings in Washington, but it also has a wonderful outdoor sculpture garden and a terrific gallery shop where you can find treasures to take home. One exhibition you may find of interest during your visit is Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris. 

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Caption:  The National Gallery of Art.

Tuesday night is yours to relax, visit and get refreshed because Wednesday is a big day! 

Wednesday will find guests beginning the day at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity. The architecture of this building is drawn from the memory of a number of Holocaust sites, including camps and ghettos. This will be an experience that will provide guests with an opportunity not only to learn more about the Holocaust, but also to think about and reflect upon this event in history.

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Caption:  The Hall of Witness at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Next, we will walk down the street for a special treat at the nearby United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Guests will tour the facility and see millions of dollars being printed as they learn about the various steps involved in currency production, beginning with large, blank sheets of paper, and ending with wallet-ready bills. Stop by the gift shop and see if you can locate any bills or coins that may have strayed from the production line!

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Caption:  The United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

After leaving the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, we will walk to the National Museum of American History for lunch with the delegates and an afternoon tour of the many exhibits in this inspiring museum. One of the most popular exhibitions is The First Ladies, which shows how different First Ladies have helped shape their role as the role of women in society has evolved. There are more than two dozen gowns on display, including those worn by Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, Barbara Bush, Nancy Reagan, and Jacqueline Kennedy. Four cases provide in-depth looks at Dolley Madison, Mary Todd Lincoln, Edith Roosevelt, and Lady Bird Johnson, and their contributions to their husband’s presidential administrations.

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Caption:  Aerial View of the National Museum of American History.

On Wednesday evening, we will leave the Gaylord Resort for the traditional IAMFA Gala dinner, held this year at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. Our Gala will find us looking glamorous in our most exquisite clothes, surrounded by artifacts illustrating the scope of aviation history and Space exploration. It seems ironic that, with the Wednesday evening Gala, we’ll celebrate the culmination of a conference that just “flew by”, in a space where flight itself is honored.  

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Caption:  The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center.

On Thursday, we hope you will join us for the optional day trip. Delegates will be done with meetings, and this day-tour will be a perfect way for delegates and guests to end their attendance at the 23rd Annual IAMFA Conference. We have three unusual and interesting destinations in one tour on Thursday, and these destinations are not to be missed! For a modest premium, you can spend another great day with us and tour the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), located near the world-famous Chesapeake Bay. This 2,650-acre wooded campus is the home of cutting-edge research that helps discover and highlight the links between land and water ecosystems in coastal zones. SERC investigates questions related to fisheries, climate change, invasive species, and water quality, among many other topics! When there are oil spills in places such as the Gulf of Mexico, this is where scientists turn for the latest information on water ecosystems. After a tour of SERC, which includes a terrific boat ride to view the scenery from the water, we will have lunch at a local restaurant which specializes in Maryland Blue Crabs—which are only available from the Chesapeake Bay!

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Caption:  The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.

After our authentic seafood lunch, we will take a bus to the National Archives in Greenbelt, Maryland, where we will get a tour of these state-of-the-art archives and the records storage center, and learn what is necessary to store the textual and microfilm records that are the definitive stories of national events and records storage. Included in the National Archives collections are Army records dating from World War I and Naval records dating from World War II, Berlin Documents Center microfilm, the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection, Nixon Presidential Materials and textual and electronic records from most civilian agencies. Storing and preserving these types of documents requires a highly specialized facility, and we will get the chance to tour this facility on Thursday!

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Caption:  The National Archives in Greenbelt, Maryland.

After we finish with the National Archives, we will continue on our bus journey to experience a treasure of a museum called the Glenstone Gallery in Potomac, Maryland.  Everyone who visits the nation’s capital should take the time to experience this serene integration of art and architecture. Glenstone presents outstanding post-World War II art in a series of refined architectural and outdoor spaces. Visiting Glenstone will change how you experience and appreciate art.

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Caption:  The Glenstone Gallery in Potomac, Maryland.

Delegates will participate in robust and meaningful educational sessions while at the IAMFA Conference, and you can see that we have prepared an equally unique and memorable Guest Program so that everyone who travels to Washington this Fall will be rewarded with a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We look forward to welcoming you to the 23rd Annual IAMFA Conference in Washington D.C. on October 20-24, 2013.

Judie Cooper, CFM is a Facility Management Analyst in the Office of Facilities Management and Reliability at the Smithsonian Institution.

Dan Davies, CFM is the Zone Facilities Manager at the National Zoological Park of the Smithsonian Institution.


Preserving the Works of Shakespeare

By Jessica Lavin Reid

What do an IAMFA sponsorship, social media, and Shakespeare have in common? They’re all essential to the story of Mueller Associates’ current engineering services for the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C. This beautiful, historic building is home to the world’s largest collection of Shakespeare’s works, including 82 of the “First Folios”—the first printing of the English poet and playwright’s collected works. These and other centuries-old books, manuscripts, playbills, and paintings draw visitors and scholars from all over the world to this renowned museum, educational center, and performing arts venue.

IAMFA Networking

As marketing director for Mueller Associates—a Baltimore-based mechanical/electrical engineering firm that specializes in museums and cultural facilities—I became a member of IAMFA in 2011. Mueller has been an active sponsor and supporter of IAMFA for many years. Once I became involved, I quickly learned that the organization provides an ideal networking environment—both in person and online—to help consultants connect with museum organizations.

Our firm’s relationship with the Folger Shakespeare Library is a good case in point. In the summer of 2011, Melody Fetske, the library’s director of finance and administration, posted an inquiry on IAMFA’s LinkedIn site, one of the organization’s social media tools for members. IAMFA’s LinkedIn discussion group offers facility managers and other members an opportunity to share questions, concerns, and lessons learned, while also providing referrals and suggestions.

Melody’s inquiry focused on engineering consultants that specialize in environments for collections and rare materials. Thanks to the online discussion and related member recommendations, we were able to follow-up and meet with Melody as well as David Conine, the library’s head of facilities, to discuss their needs for building system improvements.

Increasing the Preservation Index

“The Folger Shakespeare Library is well known for its important collection of Shakespearean works,” says David Conine. “As IAMFA members know and frequently discuss, temperature and humidity control are key to maintaining valuable artifacts. We want to be sure to preserve the collection for future generations.”

With support from two grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Folger Shakespeare Library has been able to plan and implement a multi-phase improvement program highlighted by numerous upgrades to its air-handling units. The building, which opened in 1932 on Capitol Hill, has mechanical/electrical systems that date to the 1970s. A 2010 assessment by the Image Permanence Institute (IPI) evaluated the library’s lower-level vault environment, where the First Folios and other significant materials are maintained, using the Institute’s time-weighted preservation index (TWPI).

“We wanted to monitor the areas where we preserve books, and examine the extremes of summer humidity and the dry air of winter,” says Conine. “We used a PEM (Preservation Environment Monitor) Datalogger, which measured the temperature and humidity every five minutes, then created a 30-minute average data point. From there we were able to graph highs, lows, and fluctuations.”

IPI’s analysis suggested that re-design of the cooling coil in the dedicated ventilation air handling unit serving the vault area, and the addition of a booster chiller, would help maintain more effective temperature and humidity control by depressing the dew point in the vaults, which is vital to increasing the TWPI. Our team at Mueller, under the leadership of Project Manager Daniel Carmine and Mechanical Project Engineer Paul Czajkowski, then conducted a thorough study that included schematic design for the upgrade, equipment needed, a schedule, and cost estimates for the proposed work.

The team investigated the feasibility of several different options for performing dehumidification and air conditioning (depressing the dew point to 35˚F), because this is a very energy-intensive process. Options included a patented liquid desiccant process, a solid desiccant process, and conventional vapor compression mechanical refrigeration (a glycol chiller). Due to numerous site constraints, the only feasible option was the glycol chiller. As a matter of energy conservation, wrap-around heat pipes were also considered, but our team determined they would not be feasible due to space constraints.

“The IPI analysis found that the air-handling unit that provides outdoor air, or ventilation, for the four air-handling units serving the multi-room vault area was not sufficiently dehumidifying that air,” says Czajkowski. “Humid summers and dry winters in Washington, D.C. are challenging. During our study, we found that the existing dedicated ventilation air unit was not capable of being retrofited with a re-designed cooling coil for the extreme requirements; and that a new air-handling unit, pumps, piping, and control systems were needed, including an air separator, glycol feed system, and buffer tank. The new air-handling unit will sub-cool the air to 35˚F to get the moisture out using glycol supplied from the new chiller. In addition, the chiller was specified and piped as a heat-recovery chiller, with its water-cooled condenser piping connected into the building heating water system, so it has the potential to be much more sustainable and energy-efficient.”

After completing the design of the improvements for the vault area, Mueller began to explore other climate-control issues in the Library’s Reading Room and Exhibition Hall. “Again, with these spaces, our focus was on ‘depressing the dew point’, and removing moisture from the air in the summer and adding moisture in the winter,” says Czajkowski. “The overall goal is to increase the preservation index.” The work to improve conditions in these large spaces involved modifications to three additional air-handling units.

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Caption:  The Folger Shakespeare Exhibition Hall.

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Caption: The Folger Shakespeare Reading Room.

Minimizing Disruption

Throughout the planning process for all of the improvements, Melody Fetske and David Conine emphasized the importance of keeping spaces open and accessible as much as possible, to avoid interrupting the activities of scholars and visitors. Much of the work has been done through construction shifts that began as early as 2 a.m. to allow for normal operations during the day. For the Reading Room, contractors have often worked on weekend shifts, clearing out of the space by 6 a.m. on Monday mornings.

For Paul Czajkowski at Mueller, the compressed schedule is just one of many unique features of the complex work for the Folger Shakespeare Library. “It’s a fascinating, historical environment,” he says. “The building finishes include many fine woods and millwork, special features like balconies, and intricate spaces that we needed to work around. The engineering challenges we’ve addressed at the Folger Shakespeare Library required us to draw upon our decades of museum environmental control projects. But I’ve never worked with such intense requirements—we’re taking the air in the vault spaces all the way down to 35 degrees to wring out the moisture before we bring it back up. This has been one of the most exciting projects I’ve ever worked on during my 33 years with Mueller.”

Jessica Lavin Reid is Director of Marketing & Business Development at Mueller Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers based in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, and can be reached at [email protected].

LinkedIn Collaborative Article: VCT versus Linoleum in Collections Storage Areas

By Sarah Ghorbanian with William P. Lull, Cecily Grzywacz and Barbara Appelbaum

Sarah Ghorbanian:

I am a museum planner with many years of experience with collections and storage areas. I understand the fundamental arguments against using PVC-containing materials in collections spaces, but I was interested in learning about others’ experiences, and how that could help my client's situation. This is for a leased space, so cost concerns are high.  I have already provided my client with the facts about using Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT), but would like to have more to back them up. This was my original question to IAMFA’s LinkedIn group:

“Putting aside the external environmental benefits and recycled content of linoleum, has anyone looked at the use of VCT vs. linoleum in collections spaces? Both products (and their adhesives) now meet LEED IEQ standards for low-VOCs and I am wondering if there are any long-term reasons (pertaining to off-gassing or detrimental impacts on collections) to stay away from VCT.”

William Lull:
Most VCT is more resilient and forgiving of poor maintenance than linoleum. VCT does not require the wax and cleaning that linoleum needs. However, VCT usually contains a large amount of PVC (polyvinyl chloride). It is a plastic that is one of the most easy to use in manufacturing. PVC contains a large amount of plasticizer—as much as 50%—and that plasticizer is usually HCl (hydrochloric acid). HCl can attack most materials, and that's why you use it in your stomach to digest what you eat. Moreover, HCl is NOT an organic compound, so “VOC-free” means nothing when it comes to VCT and PVC.

If you look at the bottom of a metal file or storage cabinet that has sat on VCT for years, you can often see rust—this is usually actually corrosion from the HCl. This shows that HCl can concentrate under and in cabinets. Fortunately, this can be stopped by just putting a sheet of metal—aluminum is usually the easiest to use—to completely prevent the HCl from coming up into the cabinet. Of course, this does not prevent the HCl from reaching the cabinet and objects in the space, though at a much lower concentration.

Keep in mind that the HCl is in the plasticizer that keeps the VCT pliable. Once the VCT tile has “worn out” and become brittle, most of the plasticizer is gone—but that's when the tile is usually replaced with new tile. Linoleum, properly cared for, can last longer, because the wax and maintenance can keep it viable longer.

Be aware that many of the LEED IEQ recommendations—like letting the space sit empty after construction to “air out”—are more speculation than proven fact. As long as you have a good amount of gas-absorbing material, like drywall, the gases will absorb into the absorptive material at the time of construction, making the gases come out over a much longer period of time, largely unaffected by airing-out for a month or two after construction is complete.

This retention problem has been proven by the hundreds of VOC tests we have done at client sites, confirming the lab tests done by Dick Groat at NIST in the 1990s. The recent good news is that a true warehouse space we tested, with essentially no drywall, can have low VOC levels with no special precautions.

If you have interest in the field measurements of gases in commercial buildings, please join our group here: You might also consider joining our ASHRAE committee dealing with this, GPC27P.  Here is the 2011 discussion we had there on VCT in collections spaces:

Cecily Grzywacz:

Cecily literally wrote the book on gases and museum collections, and noted, “HCl is a risk for any acid-sensitive object. PVC should usually be avoided in areas that may contain collections, especially storage areas.”

Barbara Applebaum:

Remember that this is for all collection areas, including exhibition, storage and conservation. It also applies to other PVC-containing materials such as baseboard moldings. A cheap alternative is non-PVC floor tile, usually inexpensive, and often , and often available in finishes that mimic stone or marble. Either leave out the baseboard or use painted wood. 

The preferred solution is a two-part water-based epoxy coating on cement. It's not so comfortable for people, but people should not be spending much time in collection storerooms. The tile choices aren't all that appealing, with a limited life, etc. In any case, you don’t really want a floor material that has to be waxed. Mops splash all over, the wax will get tracked on people's feet, etc.

Sarah Ghorbanian:

I posted the VCT question for a client of mine to try to see what was definitively out there, because they were getting a lot of cost pressure for a leased-space renovation. The LinkedIn format gave me a resource I otherwise may not have found. My thanks to all for their input and information. This was extremely helpful!

Sarah Ghorbanian, LEED AP is a Museum Planner with EwingCole in Washington, D.C., and can be reached at [email protected]. EwingCole is an American integrated architecture, engineering, interior design and planning firm.

William P. Lull is President of Garrison/Lull Inc., based in Princeton Junction, New Jersey, and can be reached at [email protected]. Garrison/Lull Inc. specializes in Conservation Consultations in Preservation and Special Environments for Museums, Libraries and Archives.

Cecily Grzywacz is Facilities ScientistAFM Sustainability Office at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. and can be reached at [email protected].

Barbara Appelbaum is with the Appelbaum and Himmelstein Conservation Lab, which recently celebrated its 41st anniversary providing a wide range of conservation services and consultation. Barbara can be reached at [email protected].


Switching Off: Sustainable Collection Storage at the National Library of Australia

By Erin Dampney

For some time now, the National Library of Australia has been considering a review of climate-control settings in collection storage areas. Across the Library, collection storage areas are generally maintained at tight environmental parameters of 20˚C ± 2˚C and relative humidity of 50% ± 5%. Current research in this field suggests that relaxing these parameters in order to achieve energy savings is possible without causing damage to collection materials.

This has been demonstrated in the United Kingdom where PAS198:2012, a new Specification for managing environmental conditions for cultural collections was released last year. The specification acknowledges that “museums need to approach long-term collections care in a way that does not require excessive use of energy, whilst recognising their duty of care to collections” (PAS198:2012, p. iv).

In May 2012, the National Library of Australia commenced a 12-month trial, during which we turned off the air-conditioning at our largest offsite repository in order to see how well the building passively maintains conditions. This joint project between Building Services and Preservation has involved extensive testing of this storage environment, which houses paper-based collections.

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Caption:  Collection material stored within the Hume Repository warehouse.

It was agreed that, if the relative humidity rose above 65% for one week, or if the temperature exceeded 26˚C for more than 48 hours, the system would be turned back on until the desired conditions were reached. Building Services monitors conditions on a daily basis using the Library’s building management system. Additionally, Preservation has placed dataloggers on shelving, and within collection material (i.e., inside boxes and books) to monitor the conditions within the collection itself, and to analyse the buffering effect that a paper-based collection can provide.

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Caption: A hollowed-out book containing a datalogger for monitoring the environmental conditions within the collection.

The air-conditioning has been off since 1 May 2012, and the repository is maintaining stable conditions, generally around 16-20˚C and 48% relative humidity. These conditions were maintained even during a month which saw average outside temperatures of over 30˚C, and one week of temperatures over 35˚C. Data collection shows that this may be due to a number of factors:

     The building is large—over 32,000 cubic metres—which means that there is a significant volume of air to heat up or cool down, and the rate of change is slow.

     The repository contains a tightly shelved paper-based collection which buffers internal conditions. Paper has the capacity to absorb and release moisture, and given that there are over 53,000 lineal metres of paper in the store, this provides a large thermal mass within the building. Interestingly, dataloggers sitting on empty shelves are recording temperature and humidity that fluctuate more than dataloggers located within collection materials, which record almost flatline data.

     Insulation in the external walls of the building provides a buffer to external weather conditions.

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Caption:  Newspapers stored at the Hume Repository warehouse.

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Caption:  A stack attendant retrieving collection material at the Hume Repository.

Given the success of this project, the Library has now extended the trial to a second storage facility. The air-conditioning in our smaller repository has been turned off, and the Library is monitoring temperature and humidity, both within collection material and in the storage environment. The intention is that, by comparing the performance of the two buildings, the trial will provide important details that can be used in the construction or extension of any future storage facility on how construction might lead to a passive, sustainable collection storage environment.

Erin Dampney is the Sustainability Project Manager at the National Library of Australia.  She can be reached at [email protected]


Security Tip

Plan Ahead! If a fire breaks out in your home, you may have only a few minutes to get out safely once the smoke alarm sounds. Everyone needs to know what to do and where to go if there is a fire.

MAKE a home escape plan. Draw a map of your home showing all doors and windows.  Discuss the plan with all family members.

KNOW at least two ways out of each room if possible. Make sure all doors and windows leading outside open easily.

HAVE an outside meeting place a safe distance from the house, where everyone will meet.

PRACTICE your home fire drill during the night and during the day, at least twice a year.

PRACTICE using different ways out. 

TEACH children how to get out on their own in case you cannot help them.

CLOSE doors behind you as you leave.


Regional Updates and Member News

Washington, D.C. Member Region

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Caption: Daniel Davies was Master of Ceremonies of the Facilities Management Safety Champions Awards Ceremony and CFC Fundraiser, held at the Atrium Cafe, National Museum of Natural History on 12/12/12.


Northern California and Nevada Member Region

By Joe Brennan and Jennifer Fragomeni

In early January 2013, it was time once again to celebrate Jack London’s January 12 birthday!

Jack was born at the corner of Third and Brannan Streets on January 12, 1876. This year, as in past years, we gathered there to celebrate at noon with raw oysters and a libation with which to toast him. Everyone brought their favorite gossip or story about Jack to share. As in prior years, rain or shine the Oyster Pirates operated, as we do.

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Caption: Raising a glass to Jack London at the corner of Third and Brannan.

IAMFA’s Northern California and Nevada members participated in a double-header January 16, 2013 at the Double Play neighborhood restaurant and bar, followed by a tour of classic Candlestick Park.

Over lunch in the classic old Double Play, Jennifer Fragomeni was elected Chair of the Northern California and Nevada IAMFA Member Region. We met there to celebrate the George Preston Memorial Award coming to San Francisco for our hosting of two Annual Conferences and for having the most active Member Region in the world.

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Caption: The iconic Double Play Bar & Grill.

Jennifer has played a major supporting role in our Member Region’s growth and success. She succeeds Joe Brennan, who founded the Member Region and brought it along over the past twelve years. Joe will carry on as Chair of Vice (or did she say Vice-Chair?), to support Jennifer and the Member Region in the manner to which it has become accustomed. Jennifer, Facilities Director at the Exploratorium, is well known to IAMFA Members around the world through her attendance at six conferences, and she is much appreciated here in the Bay Area. The Exploratorium will be opening in its new home on Pier 15 on San Francisco’s waterfront on April 17, so you may well imagine she has her hands full for the rest of 2013.

After lunch, everyone moved on to legendary Candlestick Park, home of the Giants and 49ers for a 2 p.m. tour arranged by every man’s friend, Patrick Rogan, Facilities Director for the San Francisco 49ers. Tour Liaison Amanda Tugwell gave us a trivia-filled back-of-house look at the classic old stadium, plus we heard stories from Pat about the new Santa Clara Stadium he is in the thick of building.

The new Giants stadium on the waterfront in the city caused the Giants to move out ten years ago. The completion of the new 49er stadium down the peninsula in Santa Clara in 2014 will mark the end of an era and the usefulness of Candlestick Park. We saw evidence of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake damage: the quake that struck just before the first pitch of the World Series game between the San Francisco Giants and Oakland Athletics—referred to the Bay Bridge Series—then the bridge dropped a section of roadway from the upper to the lower deck during the earthquake!

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Our next outing was a pre-opening tour of the Exploratorium’s innovative facility on the Embarcadero, with its 100,000 square feet of photovoltaic panels, and heating and cooling based on heat pumps using the Bay beneath their pier. With 330,000 enclosed square feet overall, they have created an amazing new environment for their world-renowned exhibition and education programs.

Everyone met at noon for lunch at the lively Pier 23 Cafe. Thanks to our friend, Charlie Booth, of ABM Facility Services, for generously sponsoring this luncheon!

After our meal, we had a five-minute walk to Pier 15 to have a tour of the Exploratorium. There, Jennifer and Chuck provided an overview of the new facility, with an emphasis on the environmentally sustainable building systems that are the basis of our net zero energy goal.

One final news item: I just returned from a two-week family trip to Japan, and who should I bump into in the Kyoto train station hotel returning from three weeks in Burma?

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For those newer members of IAMFA, Ian Follett (and Nancy) were the coordinators of IAMFA’s annual benchmarking exercise prior to 2006.


U.K. Member Region

By Jack Plumb

On November 26, 2012, 40-plus IAMFA members and their Conservation colleagues met at the National Archives in Kew. These meetings appear to confirm a growing trend in which Conservationists and those responsible for the operation of Estates come together to achieve preservation of their collections, while also reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. 

At Kew, we heard from Paul Davies, Head of Estates and Facilities at the National Archive, who provided an introduction and brief summary of the National Archives. Patrick Dixon, Head of Estates and Construction at the British Library, and their Facilities Contractor, Marc Mayfield-Blake—who is BEMS and Energy Manager from Cofely UK – GDF Suez—gave a presentation on how the British Library has set up spreadsheets to record energy consumption. The result is Marc’s ability to provide a monthly energy report which tracks progress towards achieving the Library’s corporate target of reducing energy consumption by 25% from 2009–2010 figures by 2014–2015.

Marc reported that at the close of 2011-2012 they were reporting a 9.82% reduction.

Finally Kostas Ntanos, Head of Conservation and Development at the National Archives, gave a presentation on the development of PAS 198:2012. This was delivered on behalf of Nancy Bell, Head of Collection Care at the National Archives, who was part of the expert team who developed PAS 198:2012. Kostas also provided the keynote presentation on how, by using the principles of PAS 198:2012, they have developed and implemented seasonally adjusted setpoints to achieve significant energy savings. For more information on the principles covered by Kostas in his presentation, please see my article elsewhere in this issue of Papyrus.

Our next meeting will be held in Liverpool on Wednesday, April 24 and Thursday, April 25. The Wednesday meeting will be about Estates business, and our Conservationist friends will join us on the Thursday.


New Zealand Member Region

By John Glen

In February, representatives from IAMFA’s New Zealand facilities met in Wellington.  During the meeting, John Glen made a short report on the excellent conference in Philadelphia, and everyone agreed to support one another in our attempts to obtain authorisation to go to Washington, D.C. this year.

The group also decided to rotate the roll of Member Region Chair, depending on the city in which we meet. In the past, usually Wellington or Auckland were our meeting places, but the group is also trying to get the Christchurch Art Gallery on board. The Member Region has also decided on a regular meetings secretary: Cliff Heywood, whose contact information can be found in this issue of Papyrus.

John reported that he will likely not get approval to go to the United States two years in a row to attend the conference. Apart from giving others at Auckland Museum a chance for international development, we are clamping down on our “carbon footprint” (including air travel)—as a result have reduced our overall carbon footprint by 31% over the past two years! 

The New Zealand Chapter plans to meet again on June 21.


List of Contributors

Gretchen Anderson

Barbara Applebaum

Nancy Bechtol

Joe Brennan

Judie Cooper

Erin Dampney

Dan Davies

Jennifer Fragomeni

Kendra Gastright

Sarah Ghorabian

Cecily Grzywacz

John Glen

Paul Kreitler

Lisa LaHiff

William P. Lull

John Lyon

Joe May

Jessica Lavin Reid

Jack Plumb

Kim Santoianni

Stacey Wittig